Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons in United Kingdom

Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons

Address 38-43 Lincolns Inn Fields
Zip-code WC2A 3PE
Place London
Country United Kingdom
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Latest document update2021-07-09 10:58:05
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Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons, located at 38-43 Lincolns Inn Fields, in London, United Kingdom .

Taxidermy specimens

Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons has in its collection 1 elephantine museum specimens with records in this database:

(Measurements of teeth and body parts follow the system described by Maglio (1973; P = plate number, L = length, W = width, H = height, LF = lamellar frequency)

    Chunee Destroyed by Bombings during WWII
    Accession nr: . Received: Chunee
    Species: Asian elephant (Elephas maximus)
    * Born at West Bengal Unspecified location † Dead 1826-03-01 at Exeter Exchange menagerie
    Death: killed Death reason: Chunee was hit by 152 musket balls, but refused to die. Chunee was finished off by a keeper with a harpoon or sword
    Mounted 1826-00-00
    ††† Destroyed 1942-00-00 by Bombings during WWII

References for records about Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons

Recommended Citation

Koehl, Dan (2024). Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons, Elephant Encyclopedia. Available online at (archived at the Wayback machine)

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